Rebecca Smith, MA

Rebecca's Regional Congress Sessions

Region 1 - Saturday
9:45 - 10:45am
The Perfectionism Problem: How to Develop Highly Successful Athletes Without Sacrificing Joy or Risking Burnout
Region 1 Saturday Athlete Wellness
Presenter(s): Rebecca Smith, MA
Session Summary

In this session I will help coaches identify their own perfectionism and how it impacts the kids they coach. We’ll do an exercise that will help coaches learn valuable lessons from their failures so they can facilitate the same exercise with their athletes. I’ll go over the importance of developing and coaching with a growth mindset, the risks of maladaptive perfectionism, and the importance of setting self-acceptance goals to increase longevity in the sport. Coaches will leave with a new perspective on the word “perfect” and a guide for sport parents on how to reinforce the language of a growth mindset at home.

2:45 - 3:45pm
Coaching Through Mental Blocks: How Subtle Language Choices Can Make or Break Athlete Confidence
Region 1 Saturday Athlete Wellness
Presenter(s): Rebecca Smith, MA
Session Summary

Learn why athletes start freezing up, and what they need most when it happens. We’ll talk about the most effective way to reduce fear, common misconceptions, and why “quick fix” strategies actually make things worse. I’ll share the mistakes I made as a compulsory and optional coach so coaches can learn the power of their language and examples of what not to do. You’ll leave with a clear roadmap of the most effective way through a confidence dip, plus resources you can share with parents to reinforce confidence-building language at home.